⌂  National Cancer Registry of Ukraine (NCRU)
cover: CANCER IN UKRAINE 2022-2023

CANCER IN UKRAINE  2022 - 2023:
Incidence, mortality, prevalence and other relevant statistics

Bulletin of the National Cancer Registry of Ukraine, Vol. 25

Kyiv - 2024

Authors :
Project Manager - Fedorenko Z., PhD
Responsible executor - Sumkina O.
Information and analytical support - Gorokh Ye., PhD, Goulak L., PhD, Sumkina O.
Advisory support: Ryzhov A., PhD

Full issue in PDF  

Tytle page  
Glossary. Description of tables and rates in this issue  
Relative frequency of 10 most common cancer sites: incidence, mortality, 2022
Age distribution: cancer incidence, cancer mortality, 2022
Relative frequency of most common cancer sites by age groups: incidence, 2022  
Relative frequency of most common cancer sites by age groups: mortality, 2022  
Relative frequency of 10 most common cancer sites, non-melanoma of skin excluded, 2022
Relative frequency of most common cancer sites with non-melanoma of skin excluded, by age groups, incidence, 2022
The most prevalent cancers by site (total cancer prevalence), 2023  
Five-year cancer prevalence by site, 2023  
Table 1  -  General rates, 2022 (adjusted data)
Table 3  -  Incidence and mortality in  2022 (adjusted data) and  2023 (on-line data) by region
Table 4  -  On-line rates in 2023 by region
Annex A - Cancer incidence by site, age and gender, 2022  
Annex B - Cancer mortality by site, age and gender, 2022  

Full issue in PDF (~2.2 MB)

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