KYIV – 2017
Authors :
Fedorenko Zoja P., PhD,. Michailovich Youriy Yo., PhD,
Goulak Lyudmyla O., PhD, Gorokh Yevgeniy L., PhD, Ryzhov Anton Yu., PhD,
Soumkina Olena V., Koutsenko Lyubov B.
E d i t o r – i n – c h i e f :
Director of National Cancer Institute of Ukraine,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Kolesnik Olena O.
Title page |
Contents |
Glossary. Description of rates in tables |
The relative frequency of the 10 most common cancer sites in Ukraine: incidence, mortality, 2015 |
The relative frequency of the 5 most common cancer sites by age: incidence, 2015 |
The relative frequency of the 5 most common cancer sites by age: mortality, 2015 |
The relative frequency of 10 most common cancer sites (non-melanoma of skin excluded), 2015 |
Cancer prevalence, Ukraine, 2016 |
Maps: |
Cancer incidence, males, 2015, World standard |
C00-C96 |
Cancer incidence, females, World standard, 2015 |
C00-C96 |
Cancer mortality, males, World standard, 2015 |
C00-C96 |
Cancer mortality, females, World standard, 2015 |
C00-C96 |
Five-year cancer prevalence, males, adults, 2016 |
C00-C96 |
Five-year cancer prevalence, females, adults, 2016 |
C00-C96 |
All malignant tumours |
Ñ00-Ñ97 |
All malignant tumours, (non-melanoma of skin excluded) |
C00-C96 (Ñ44, Ñ46.0 excl.) |
Children – All sites |
Ñ00-Ñ96 |
Lip |
Ñ00 |
Oral cavity |
Ñ01-Ñ08,Ñ46.2 |
Pharynx |
Ñ09-Ñ14 |
Oesophagus |
Ñ15 |
Stomach |
Ñ16 |
Colon |
Ñ18 |
Rectum, anus |
Ñ19-Ñ21 |
Liver |
Ñ22 |
Pancreas |
Ñ25 |
Larynx |
Ñ32 |
Trachea, bronchus, lung |
Ñ33- Ñ34 |
Bones, joints and articular cartilage |
Ñ40-Ñ41 |
Melanoma of skin |
Ñ43 |
Other skin |
Ñ44, Ñ46.0 |
Breast |
Ñ50 |
Cervix uteri |
Ñ53 |
Corpus uteri |
Ñ54 |
Ovary |
Ñ56 |
Prostate |
Ñ61 |
Kidney |
Ñ64 |
Urinary bladder |
Ñ67 |
Brain |
Ñ71 |
Thyroid |
Ñ73 |
Hodgkin's disease |
Ñ81 |
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
Ñ82-Ñ85 |
Multiple myeloma |
Ñ90 |
Leukaemia |
Ñ91-Ñ95 |
Undefined Primary |
Ñ77-Ñ80 |
Annex A - Cancer incidence rates by site, age and
gender in Ukraine, 2015
Annex B - Cancer mortality rates by site, age and
gender in Ukraine, 2015
Annex C - Cancer prevalence in Ukraine, 2016
Annex D - Cancer incidence maps, 2015
C00-C96 |
Annex E - Cancer mortality maps, 2015
C00-C96 |
Annex F - Five-year cancer prevalence maps, adults, 2016
Source data |
C00-C96 |